Engaging travel industry stakeholders channels and content - A sharing by Peng Ee Ooi

“Have a love for continuous learning.” Peng Ee Ooi’s words are still distinctly engraved in my memory even as this reflection is being written a month after his sharing. If his whole session on engaging travel industry stakeholders channels and content could be summarised in a phrase, that would be it. 

Peng Ee Ooi, Head of TTG Global Commerce and Development as well as publisher of Tourism Group (Maps and Guides) gave a one and a half hour talk about how his media company has engaged their stakeholders since 1994, on January 24 2020. 

From the perspective of TTG, he shared how they have engaged throughout the years, the future of the company and their plans to continue staying relevant with the ever-changing consumer demands. The media company started out with database marketing and over the span of 13 years moved into branded trade shows and conferences. Having over 150 corporate buyers, 50 international media and over 30 industry speakers this platform provided attendees to interact and share their knowledge with each other. The adoption and continuous development of technology, prompted TTG to launch its digital offerings such as ttgasia.com, ttgchina.com and ttgmice.com in 2019. 

Due to the high demand for digital, Mr Ooi understands that they must soon venture into other platforms to retain the well-cultivated relationships with their buyers. Hence, their future plans are to invest in channel proliferation, disintermediation, mobile, experiential and segments granularity. This adoption requires a huge investment in time and finance, hence to stay afloat till then, TTG has been introducing materials to stay relevant to its business customers and end consumers. 

Some of these materials include - SG maps and guides which provide recommended trails in audio form to its subscribers and an experience pass featuring almost 6000 destination products and services. These two platforms are to connect advertisers with end-consumers while gaining revenue. Additionally, TTG has realised the massive untapped opportunities in the area of global e-commerce and plants to work with technology partners to bring solutions to the world. 

TTG’s hunger and drive to continuously cater to their consumers is fuelled by the brand’s love for continuous learning. Only through discovering and understanding the needs of their consumers, can they come up with the right resources to engage. Every day, they are making it a point to learn the industry’s trends as well as buyers’ needs and wants to meet the demands of their consumers and provide satisfaction. What about you? Are you making it a point to continuously learn despite your age or occupation?

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