The power of digital storytelling: A sharing by Azhar Abdul-Salam

Google Search “Reunion” heart-warming video went viral and garnered more than 4 million views in five days (Gesenhues, 2013). Tears were shed when viewers around the world, especially in India and Pakistan, realised the story was about the separation and reconciliation from the Partition of India in 1947. As Azhar Abdul-Salam, lecturer at Nanyang Polytechnic, played the video for the class to view, I watched the girl beside me cry at the thought-provoking storyline which stimulated a discussion between us right after. That is the power of a gripping storyline that evokes emotion and starts conversation.

As part of his sharing on Storytelling on 31 January 2020, Azhar shared with the class six elements of a strong digital story. The first element is to identify the purpose of the story. In “Reunion”, it was to share with the world how far India and Pakistan have come in terms of reconciliation and the pain that friends and family went through when they were torn apart during the partition of India. The second element is to define the story’s point of view. Again in “Reunion”, Google set the perspective to be from the daughter of a man who faced the separation which was caused from the partition of India. This allows other Indians and Pakistanis to feel understood when watching the video. 

The third element is the importance of a clear voice. It is crucial to speak in a voice that the audience will recognise as their own. The mood of a writer’s voice sets the tone of story and provides depth and colour. A monotonous voice will create a mundane video which may not be as appealing to the vast majority. The fourth element is pacing the narrative well. In “Reunion” the daughter was not the only star of the show, the video paces between four main characters with different emotions, keeping the audience invested in the story. 

The fifth element is having meaningful and appropriate audio and soundtrack. Using the right soundtrack can evoke emotion. In “Reunion”, the music builds up at the end as the two characters (and childhood friends) reunite. Together with cries from the actors themselves, it sets the mood for viewers. The last element is the quality of images. Simply put, viewers today will be disengaged when a video is not at least 1080p or in HD. Hence, it is important to invest in proper camera equipment to achieve this. 

Following these elements when creating rich stories online will generate views and spark conversations. Use this to your advantage when you create your next big video for a social or environmental cause! 

Gesenhues, A. (2013, November 18). Google Search “Reunion” Video Goes Viral With More Than 4 Million Views In 5 Days. Retrieved February 1 from

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